Monday, June 9, 2008

Bernie and the thermostat

Bernie has won the Battle of the Thermostat (with the exception of EAM) . . . I am used to wearing two (or more) pairs of socks, a bunch of shirts, really ugly slippers, fleece pants, and the obligatory sweatshirt and/or fleece to top everything off. Then I read blogs about the demise of Women Dressing to Impress in favor of some hottt velour track suits and am like, "come live in my house in January." If I want to make EAM laugh, I put on my Amherst Mom outfit that consists of cut-off sweatpants, a turtleneck, clogs (DANSKO ONLY) and printed socks, and a totally in-style fleece hat and/or fleece vest.

1 comment:

kk luaces said...

I think Bernie and the Neuner Men should combine their efforts and start a for-real electric company, at least for the winter months. This winter I took to wearing tights-under leggings-under sweat pants-under a larger pair of sweat pants. They layers on top were even more ridiculous. I'd lose count.

Of course now that we have central air (did I tell you the brother and I moved to Somerville?) all bets are off. God forbid AJ breaks a sweat. I can't wait for the embolism that accompanies the June electric bill...