Thursday, June 12, 2008

Coffee coffee

The Key To Getting EAM's Attention is generally anything coffee related or the coffee machine itself. Bernie realized coffee-machine-note-placement would guarantee an audience where EAM's bedroom door may not. (Sidenote: It is SO appropriate that ELM's new life vocation is as a coffee barista in Seattle. I'm sure Bernie is thrilled about that everytime he writes a student loan check.)
Back on topic, before we got rid of this horrible volvo that is the subject of the above note, Bernie would obsessively check the oil (as if that was the problem) and would therefore mess around with the hood latch. As a result, the stupid thing would not close. Cher had an ingenious idea where she "suggested" that Bernie tell EAM to go by Ren's to check the oil--if the hood would not close, Ren could then fix it! Score: Cher 1, Bernie sill clueless.


Unknown said...

ELM and EAM: which is Emma and which is Liz? Liz is the one who came to the holiday party our first year, yes? Emma goes to school in WA?

Anonymous said...

At least I still don't live at home!!! I probably make more money than you do...

Unknown said...

EAM is Holiday Party; ELM is Seattle Girl :)