Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Congratulations ELM!

Congratulations to ELM on the successful defense of her thesis! (It only took you a semester longer than me. Sibling rivalry never dies. I'm simply going to say I received more difficult questions from him.)

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Expect a return at Big Y

Sometimes I feel only my father returns perishable items to grocery stores after he comes home and realizes quality control measures have not been met.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Directions for ELM

Coco requiring a Designated Feeder (ELM) has fallen off the map.

Friday, November 30, 2012

It's that time of the year again

Thermostat time! ELM got a Thanksgiving Talking To about sending these important messages to yours truly.

BONUS! Here's Coco trying to get Thanksgiving Ham:

Friday, October 5, 2012


Coco is at his goal weight of 16lbs! Down from 21 or 22lbs back in the spring. To keep it up, Bernie is his Life Coach:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Securing doors

Just in case you were worried, there are TWO notes on each side of the same door. They have been posted since March. Bernie is nothing but methodical.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Happy Belated Father's Day Post for Bernie

You have got to dry those clothes out somehow:

Even though I am upset that my AAA membership is being cut off (at the age of 30) by June 30th, I still got him a present:

Thank you Bernie! You are amazing. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

How to defrost

An in-my-head Q and A session as I teleworked from Amherst today:

Q: How old are you MCM?
A: 30

Apparently, I not only need an exact time to put the defrosted items in the fridge, but a timer as well

Notes FROM Cher re. wine

Notes from Cher usually pertain to Coco (who is now on a strict diet-he looks good!) or wine. I was not the culprit in this scenario. Neither was Bernie or ELM. That leaves one person, and that doesn't mean Coco the Cat. In case you are unable to make the message out, it states "DO NOT DRINK ^ANY OF THIS WINE! Heart Mom."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Le Coco

The only thing Coco does when he goes outside (besides massacring Chippies)  is to find potential neighbors who he can beg to feed him. We get phone calls about him pretending he's hungry and homeless. Seriously. Still, Bernie's obsession continues.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

=Thermostat reminders ^44

This title = A simple Excel formula to calculate the number of Bernie notes focused on the thermostat.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Furniture protection

ELM woke up last week to find the following obstacle course in the living room (designed to keep Coco off the furniture). Sometimes I wonder why Bernie just doesn't go All-The-Way Polish and cover everything in plastic zip covers like my grandparents.

Friday, January 20, 2012

OM to the G

Thank you Bernie Student (NZ!). Bernie doesn't know how to read a blog, so my shout out is to you!

I had no idea he dealt with the bathroom in Stockbridge. GO UMASS.