Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It takes a village to determine the relationship between infant mortality and rich share

I should have titled my capstone "It Takes A Village," primarily because without certain econometricians (i.e. Bernie, BG, and a special peer reviewer) in the picture, I may have had 44 more panic attacks and stress breakdowns that would have required more than a trip to psychological disability services and various fast food drive-thru windows. That being said, check out Bernie's visual explanation of instrumental variables and the Hausman test ON REUSED PAPER NO LESS. I mean, where would we be as a world without knowing whether or not the trade-off in variance using an IV is Way Worth It versus regular old ordinary least squares regression? (Sidenote: Bernie recently tried to make me give him his Stock and Watson book back, and I refused.)

A Bernie Visualization of my panel data and dummy variables for 1970, 1990, and 2000 and my instrumental variable. THANK YOU BERNIE.

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