Friday, July 18, 2008

Get out of my house

A week from today I am officially leaving Bernie and Cher's household with EAM. At the age of Almost 27 (ewwwwww), I AM HAVING A REALLY HARD TIME WITH THIS. These past two years finishing grad school I've realized that even though we are all completely nutzo, I really love my parents. And I also have to leave Coco, which is a tragedy in and of itself. I am hopeful he will become the Permanent Foster Cat.

P.S. Just because the remaining Girls are leaving the nest (again), does not mean an end to Bernie Notes. He always manages to come through as evidenced by Notes for ELM in Seattle. Plus, there will always be Notes for Cher.


Raija said...

Good luck with the move Michaella! We should have drinks sometime in the Big City

kk luaces said...

Dude. When my parents left Amherst and moved to PEI I cried for DAYS. Literally, days. It was that total nervous breakdown I-cannot-function-in-public-my-world-has -been-shattered crying. I broke down on the bus. In South Station. In a meeting at work. I still fantasize about running away and moving in with them. I don't know if this is a natural reaction to 'growing up' or if we're both really emotionally stunted and that's why we're friends.

Also - is Elizabeth going with you? Her handwriting looks A LOT like yours.

And good news: yay we can have playtime! And you can totally use my dog for therapy. He's not licensed per se, but he's very effective.