Thursday, July 10, 2008

Notes for T.W. redux

The only time Bernie uses a debit card is when he goes overseas. Bernie and Cher are those people in the line who write out a check and there are like 50 people waiting behind them OR even better--those people who write checks out for cash and then bring them to the bank teller. When I got my first debit card at age 18 Cher yelled at me that I was too irresponsible for a credit card.

I was really ticked when they went to France and stopped The Paper (as evidenced here), one of my only sources of entertainment (as I continue to enjoy my two-month last hurrah escape from reality-until-I-win-the-lottery vacation through July 28th, 12:00am EST) aside from Captain Video, the Amherst Bulletin, and books from the Jones Library where my ultimate goal is to find a book with the insert "Congratulations!!! You've got a . . . HOT ITEM. Check Out for 7 Days Only. No Renewals. Overdue fines on this book accumulate at $1/day. Please return this book to the Jones Library ONLY."

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