So I'm not exactly a fan of holidays that I consider to be manufactured obligations, however, Bernie deserves a reward for all of the notes he leaves us. As a Chicago native, I ordered him pizzas from Gino's East (now an unfortunate tourist trap and not the hole-in-the-wall he fondly remembers, but the pizza's still good). He especially deserved it after he discovered Coco's killing lair under the garage stairs. We're talking animals so badly decomposed and crawling with larvae, you're not sure what type of animals they actually were. In any case, the foster cat is making the case harder for why he should stay.
Despite his adamance that Coco go, I am thankful for Bernie for the following:
- Bernie's notes
- Fixing ours (and Coco's) screw-ups/messes
- Paying our school loans
- Wearing sweatshirts decorated with puffy paint designs ELM made him when she was 8
- Getting me through fixed effects and two stage least squares regressions
- Not making me pay rent
- Having a pull-up bar behind our house
- Being an old-school diehard Cubs fan
- Pretending not to like Veronica Mars/SATC/One Tree Hill/Grey's Anatomy when someone is watching it on the DVD machine
- Turning up Guns N' Roses when he thinks no one's around
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