Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Forays into Bernie's basement

Today I was going to post about the Bernie (typed) note he left for me and EAM to guide our way while my parents are in Le France. But what I found five minutes later was way better. As I went into the basement to 1.) Feed Los Cocos, and 2.) Water Bernie's "sunflower seed experiment" that I had to bring inside to escape the torrential downpours, I found the milk containers.
HAHAHAHAHA. If you don't know my family, Bernie reuses milk containers to water plants and reformat into bins to hold (reusable) ziploc bags of all sizes as well as tinfoil that is washed and reused. However, I did not know that he also used them as measuring implements. I have NO IDEA what "pipe shield" or "cloroben" means. It could be related to his fertilizing experiments or something car related. And no, I haven't googled it yet.

I mean, hellooo? We have measuring cups IN THE KITCHEN.

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