Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Obsession with Coco continues.

All animals love Bernie. ALL. Ruffy and Skipper, the Shelties (we dog-sat, RIP); Greta, the Golden Retriever (RIP); Lex, our Samoyed and Lucy our Golden Retriever (RIP); Walker, our failed Boxer service dog in training (RIP); my guinea pigs Milly and Beavi s (RIP), Crawford the Cat picked up for EAM's birthday (RIP); Neighborhood Catzis (our nickname for Moonbeam who lived next door but really liked us, RIP); and NOW Coco.

Coco sure needs to go outside. He's in winter hibernation mode.


kk luaces said...

Pouring some Tempranillo out for Walker.

kk luaces said...

(Obvs and all the other amazing Morzuchian animals. Walker was just the only one I knew. Word. Pours.)