Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Hand Drawn Map Association

Bernie: There exists a HAND DRAWN MAP ASSOCIATION ("an ongoing archive of user submitted maps and other interesting diagrams created by hand"). YES, YES, AND YES.

Apparently, Julia Turner of Slate asked peeps to send her their hand-drawn maps last month. If only I was more on top of things.

Bernie has made many contributions to this field of knowledge in both color-coded visualizations and detailed flash cards. A recap below:
1. This started it all
2. Campus Appreciation Day
3. Oil changes and car inspections
4. Forays into Bernie's office I and II for some running maps
5. More running maps and Bow Lake
6. Written directions to Bow Lake with mileage
7. And an ENTIRE SERIES of the utmost travel directions from the Chicago grandparents to Amherst, MA:

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