Monday, March 1, 2010

Bernie and Coco

Bernie's emails are almost as hilarious as his notes. The obsession with our 22lb permanent foster cat and Coco's potential eye situation is the best.

"Hi, Liz:

This morning, his eye looked okay. (We first noticed the situation with his eye on Saturday morning). Yesterday, for example, it looked okay part of the day and a bit "not okay" for another part of the day. He was out all last night (on his own insistence) and came inside at 5:00a.m. this morning. His eye looked okay at 5:00 a.m. He followed me
around until Mom fed him. He chowed down according to his normal self. When he has these nighttime outings during the winter -- and then makes an appearance the next morning -- he usually sleeps the entire day after coming back in. So, this morning I kept him in the house. I'm looking forward to seeing how his eye looks when I get home. Based on the current situation and what I've been observing, I don't really notice a chronic situation developing. So, I see no need to visit the vet -- yet. I'll keep you posted about any change in his condition.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Update: Apparently Coco has pink eye and had to go to the vet. He now weighs 19.4lbs, up 2lbs from his November check-up.