Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bernie LOVES Coco

I know there has been a SERIOUS delay in Bernie Notes. I sincerely apologize and have a sweeeeet backlog involving Coco notes, turkey and ham Thanksgiving and Christmas notes, and some other fantastic ones in between. We will kick-off the reunion with Coco-Bernie notes.  EAM and I lovingly refer to Coco-the-permanent-foster-cat that Bernie pretends to dislike as mon petit. BTW, I took him to the vet in November and he weighs 18.4lbs.  He is now thoroughly spoiled and it's all Bernie and Cher's fault. Since ELM and I have moved out, he has become the focus of most Bernie notes. 

ANYWAY . . . 

1 comment:

Raija said...

Oh, I'm so glad they are being updated again :)
Hope all is well out East!