Monday, September 29, 2008

Bernie shopping lists

When Bernie goes grocery shopping, he makes sure to hit Big Y, Stop and Shop, Trader Joe's, and each CVS. He leaves Whole Checkbook to my mother. He especially loves Big Y, their BOGO's, and telling us all about it when he gets home. It also explains why we have 44 bags of tortilla chips and cheeze-its, but nothing else in the house when he gets back.


Larry Kelley said...

Yeah, the secret to Big-Y is when they advertise something 10 for $10 you don't actually have to buy ten of them to get the discount price per unit.

God knows how much I stockpiled till I figured that out (either way, cheaper than Stop and Shop and a great freaken flag)

Anonymous said...

I remember those lists! I loved helping him at the grocery store and crossing items off. The best part of his shopping trips though is when he comes home and recites how much money he saved on what, and the rainchecks he got...