Thursday, October 30, 2008

Best graduation present ever

A replicated Bernie Note! I now have this framed in my office. Thanks Rich and Julie!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Best book ever

You've got to love Elementary Statistics. EAM and I have one of his copies . . . I don't think he remembers.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Forays into Bernie's office II

YES! Another running map. In case you didn't know, Bernie runs everywhere, and to keep track of his mileage, he counts his running steps which he converts to miles. He can tell you exactly how many steps it takes to make it up that horrible hill on the Bridge to Flowers 10K in Shelburne Falls ("just keep your head down and keep counting, Michaella") which totally beats out Heartbreak Hill near our apartment that's on the Boston Marathon course.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Forays into Bernie's office

When I went home for CPPA's Birthday Celebration, I stopped by Bernie's office (thankfully with the camera):